
Our orthopedic oncology team offers multispecialty, state-of-the-art care. 我们是国内容量最大的骨和软组织肿瘤治疗中心之一.

Older Patient with Doctor and Wife

UCLA Health excellence in orthopaedic oncology

我们的骨科肿瘤医生在西海岸进行的骨和软组织肿瘤手术数量最多. 我们也位列全国前三名的治疗中心. 这意味着儿童和成人接受经验丰富的医生的专业治疗. Our team offers comprehensive, state-of-the-art care with compassion.

Highlights of our program include:

以团队为基础的方法: 专家 放射肿瘤学, 医学肿瘤学, 骨科肿瘤学和外科肿瘤学定期会面,讨论每位患者的独特需求,并找到有效的治疗方案. 这个团结一致的肿瘤委员会包括在一起工作多年的医生. 患者受益于他们对前沿治疗方案的集体经验和知识.

Coordinated, patient-centered care: Orthopaedic oncologists work closely with musculoskeletal 放射科医生 协调临床和诊断护理,使患者能够迅速得到答案. Our aim is to ease patients’ anxieties during a stressful time. 患者还可以在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗系统内获得广泛的专科医生, and we can easily coordinate any necessary referrals.

Limb-sparing强调: All our orthopaedic oncologic surgeons are trained in limb salvage. 在安全的情况下, we perform surgeries that preserve the limbs, maintaining function and quality of life for patients.

医生的专业知识: 我们的外科医生在显微外科和内假体重建(带植入物的肢体保留手术)方面受过专门的培训。. 我们还与其他外科专科密切合作,为所有患者提供全面的外科护理.

Advanced treatment options: 我们的机构历史上拥有该地区最大的金属植入体修复肢体手术系列. UCLA Health specialists use a wide range of advanced techniques, including custom implants for particularly complex needs, 针对幻肢疼痛的肌肉神经移植和可扩展的四肢长度相等的植入物.


骨科肿瘤团队与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的多位专家合作,提供有针对性的, 全面的护理. 护理领域包括:


我们的骨科肿瘤学家通过我们的专业治疗治疗软组织肿瘤患者 肉瘤的程序. 我们是全国最繁忙的肉瘤项目之一,每年治疗1200多名患者. 患者可以在大洛杉矶地区的几个诊所找到离家近的尖端护理.

Conditions orthopedic oncologists treat


骨科肿瘤学家是治疗各种癌症(恶性)和非癌症(良性)骨和软组织肿瘤的医生, 包括:


These noncancerous tumors grow in the soft tissues, 包括肌肉, 脂肪, 血管, 肌腱和神经. 肿瘤类型包括:

神经节囊肿: 皮肤下圆形或椭圆形充满果冻的肿块,通常发生在手腕处

Giant cell tumor of soft tissue: 肿瘤由许多异常大的或“巨型”细胞组成,这些细胞是由几个较小的细胞结合而成的

血管球瘤: 一种开始于球囊体的生长,球囊体是皮肤内层(真皮层)的组成部分。

脂肪瘤: A 脂肪ty lump that develops between the muscle and skin 

纤维神经瘤: A tumor that grows on nerves, forming a soft bump on or beneath the skin

神经鞘瘤: A tumor that starts in Schwann cells, which protect and support nerve cells

Tenosynovial giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath: 在肌腱周围的组织(肌腱鞘)中形成的巨细胞瘤, often occurring in the hands or feet

Malignant soft tissue tumors

也被称为软组织肉瘤,这些癌性肿瘤起源于任何软组织. 类型包括:

上皮样肉瘤: 一种罕见的,生长缓慢的肿瘤,通常起源于手臂或手的软组织

浸润性皮肤癌: 皮肤癌,已经越过皮肤外层(表皮),进入真皮层和周围组织

平滑肌肉瘤: A rare cancer that grows in smooth muscles, which include those in the intestines, 膀胱, 胃, 血管和子宫

脂肪肉瘤: Cancer that starts in 脂肪ty tissue

Radiation sarcoma (radiation-induced sarcoma): 放射治疗后出现的一种罕见的肿瘤,与原来治疗的肿瘤不同

Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma : 软组织肿瘤,肿瘤细胞看起来与周围组织的细胞不同, with tumor cells growing in multiple sizes and shapes


良性骨肿瘤包括在全身任何骨骼中开始的非癌性生长. 这些肿瘤包括:

动脉瘤性骨囊肿: A blood-filled growth in the bone that tends to get bigger

成软骨细胞瘤: A rare bone tumor that starts in the cartilage at the end of bones

内生软骨瘤: A rare bone tumor that starts in the cartilage inside bones

嗜酸性肉芽肿: 骨骼病变在骨骼中生长的一种情况,通常在颅骨、脊柱骨、肋骨或四肢

纤维发育不良: A rare condition in which scar-like tissue grows where bone tissue should grow

骨巨细胞瘤: 肿瘤由许多异常大的或“巨型”细胞组成,这些细胞是由几个较小的细胞结合而成的, usually occurring at the end of a joint

Nonossifying纤维瘤: Bone lesions made up of scar (fibrous) tissue, commonly occurring in children

骨软骨瘤: 软骨在骨头末端靠近生长板处发育的一团软骨和骨头, 通常在腿上, 肩胛骨或骨盆

滑膜chondromatosis: A rare condition in which the synovium, the layer of tissue lining joints, grows atypically and forms small growths made of cartilage

单院系骨囊肿: A fluid-filled cavity in a bone, usually affecting the upper arm bone (humerus) or upper leg bone (femur)


Cancerous growths that start in or spread to bones, 包括:

骨髓癌: Cancer that starts in the bone marrow, the sponge-like tissue inside bones

软骨肉瘤: A type of bone cancer starting in cartilage cells

尤因肉瘤: A rare tumor starting in bones or soft tissues around bones, usually occurring in the pelvis or leg bones

淋巴瘤: Cancer that starts in lymphocytes, the infection-fighting cells found in bone marrow, 淋巴结, the spleen and other parts of the body

转移性骨病: Any form of cancer that starts elsewhere in the body and spreads to the bones

骨髓瘤: Cancer of the plasma cells, 它们产生抗感染的抗体,存在于骨髓中

Osteogenic sarcoma (osteosarcoma): Cancer that starts in the bone cells, often developing at the ends of bones where new tissue forms as children grow 

浆细胞瘤: A bone tumor starting in plasma cells, possibly turning into myeloma

Treatments orthopedic oncologists offer


Limb salvage and reconstruction: These procedures aim to remove tumors fully without removing an entire limb. 外科医生可能会切除肿瘤周围的骨头,用植入物代替,以维持肢体的功能. 

可扩展骨植入物: 这些植入物可以随着孩子的成长而扩大,而不需要再手术. A special device uses a magnet to lengthen the implant, and patients can go home the same day as treatment.   

质量切除: These surgeries remove soft tissue tumors. The surgeon may also remove a small portion of surrounding tissue. 肿块被送到实验室进行测试,以了解更多关于肿瘤类型和功能的信息. 

刮除术: 外科医生使用一种叫做刮匙的工具刮去良性骨肿瘤. 在某些情况下,骨头可能会重新生长并填充肿瘤所在的位置. 对于其他病人, 外科医生可能会将刮除术与骨移植物或植体结合起来填充腔体.

截肢: Our surgeons opt for limb-sparing surgery as often as possible. 但对一些病人来说, 切除部分或全部肢体可能是治疗骨癌或软组织癌的最佳选择. 

Targeted muscle reinnervation: 外科医生重新分配控制肌肉运动的神经,这样病人就可以用意念控制假肢. 该手术可有效减轻截肢患者的幻肢痛.

Treatment of metastatic disease: 如果癌症已经在体内扩散(转移),患者可能会接受其他癌症治疗. A care plan may include one or more treatments such as chemotherapy, 放射治疗, targeted therapy or immunotherapy.


我们的骨科肿瘤学家擅长治疗各种骨和软组织肿瘤. We specialize in advanced, 复杂的技术, always prioritizing patients’ function and quality of life. 


骨科肿瘤, Pediatric 整形外科手术, 整形外科手术
手手术, 骨科肿瘤, 整形外科手术
整形外科手术, 骨科肿瘤



呼叫 424-259-9860 to request an appointment with an orthopaedic oncologist at UCLA Health.


Our orthopaedic oncologic surgeons offer a range of advanced techniques, specializing in limb salvage procedures. 呼叫 424-259-9860 to learn more about orthopaedic oncology services.